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Iberian registry of adrenocortical cancer

Legal Notice

The use and access to the contents that this website has implies the knowledge and acceptance, without any reservation, of all the clauses included under this Legal Information text that are aim to inform users of the conditions to carry out correctly quoted access and use.

The www.icarostudy.com website hosts content and products subject to intellectual and industrial property rights. The abusive use of those, outside the authorized limits, pursued by the relevant legal channels, therefore the use will be reinforced under the parameters of responsibility and good faith.


In accordance with article 10 de la Law 34/2002, from july 11, from Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, We inform you that the Web Page accessible from the domain www.icarostudy.com is owned by Responsible: Identity: HRA Pharma Iberia, S.L.; CIF: B85764579; Postal address for notifications and citations: Pº Castellana 143, 6ºB, 28046, Madrid; Phone number: 914584194; Email: info-es@hra-pharma.com.

HRA Pharma Iberia, S.L. is the owner or has the corresponding license to use the different contents, texts, photographs, drawings, designs, software, source code and information incorporated for this purpose, exposed throughout the Web Portal.


Regulate access, browsing and use of the Website www.icarostudy.com. In the same way, the responsibilities derived from the use of its contents, texts, graphics, drawings, designs, photographs, software, codes, databases, images, information, as well as any other creation protected by national laws and international treaties on intellectual and industrial property, which the owner makes available to users through its Website.

The conditions that govern the different services available at www.icarostudy.com are subject to the following regulations, in the applicable part: Ley 34/2002, from july 11, from Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce; Regulation (UE) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons; Organic Law 3/2018, from December 5, from Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights; Royal Decree Law 1/2007, from November 16, that approves the Consolidated Text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary Laws; Law 44/2006 from improvement of the Protection of consumers and users, and other regulations to that effect that may be applicable.


HRA Pharma Iberia, S.L. makes an email available to you, so that the user can send their queries if they wish: info-es@hra-pharma.com and can also send them by ordinary mail addressed to the address indicated above, noting the "Responsible RGPD" in the recipient. Likewise, you can contact the DPO through info-es@hra-pharma.com.

Use of the Website and Services

Browsing and use of the web, as well as most of the services contained therein, are completely free, complying expressly and without any reservations with this Legal Notice.

Likewise, the user is obliged to correctly use the web in accordance with the content of this Legal Notice, principles of good faith and current legislation, expressly prohibiting any illicit use, contrary to public order and/or harmful to rights. and interests of people, reserving HRA Pharma Iberia, S.L. in these cases, your right to take the legal actions you deem appropriate in accordance with the applicable regulations.

Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

HRA Pharma Iberia, S.L. is the owner or has the corresponding license to use the rights to exploit the intellectual and industrial property of the web portal www.icarostudy.com, as well as the content available through it, among others: texts, graphics, designs, logos, trade names, photographs, images, audiovisual or sound content, software, databases, etc. The fact of allowing users access to www.icarostudy.com will not imply, in any case, the waiver, transmission, license or assignment, in whole or in part, of said rights, by HRA Pharma Iberia, S.L..

Merely by way of example, and not limitation, users of www.icarostudy.com are prohibited from carrying out any of the following actions:

  • Suppress, elude or manipulate any identification data of the rights of the owner of the Web Portal or its owners, incorporated into the contents, as well as the technical protection devices, or any information and/or identification mechanisms that are incorporated.
  • Modify, copy, reuse, exploit, reproduce, publicly communicate, make second or subsequent publications, upload files, send by mail, transmit, use, treat or distribute in any way all or part of the contents included under this Web Portal to public or commercial purposes, without the express written authorization of HRA Pharma Iberia, S.L.or, where appropriate, of the owner of the corresponding rights.
  • Reproduce, copy, extract or reuse for private use or for public communication, those contents considered as Software or Database, in accordance with the provisions of the Consolidated Text of the Intellectual Property Law. The domain www.icarostudy.com is owned by HRA Pharma Iberia, S.L.,so it may not be used in connection with other content, products or services that are not owned by HRA Pharma Iberia, S.L.,when they may cause confusion among end users or discredit of that.


The owner of the website is not responsible, by way of example, for the following actions:

  • Misuse of the Web Portal by users.
  • The continuity of the contents of the web Portal.
  • The damages or losses caused by any person, either to themselves or to third parties, in violation of the conditions, rules and instructions that the owner establishes in the Web Portal or in this Legal Notice.
  • The presence of viruses and/or other harmful components in the Web Portal or in the server that supplies them, both in relation to the visualization of the contents by users and in their downloading.
  • The content and services provided by other websites that can be accessed from this Internet address.
  • The malfunction of software or plugins (download that could be made from the link established for this purpose, where appropriate), necessary for the display of certain content hosted on this website.
  • The invulnerability of the Web Portal, nor of the software used, distributed or obtained from it.
  • The greater or lesser performance of the content hosted on the website.
  • The damages caused by the violation of the security systems housed and/or inserted through the website.

Duration and Modification

This Legal Notice is valid for the duration of its exposure. For this reason, users are advised to carefully read its content each time they access the website, the only way to know the updated text, since HRA Pharma Iberia, S.L.You are not required to personally notify users of your changes.

Likewise, HRA Pharma Iberia, S.L. reserves the right to unilaterally modify this Notice, at any time, in whole or in part, said modification taking effect from its publication on the Web Portal, specifically, from its insertion in the "Legal Notice" link.


HRA Pharma Iberia, S.L. You may unilaterally choose to interrupt, suspend or terminate access to the contents of the Web Portal, regardless of the provisions of the Legal Notice. Said situations will not alter the validity of the prohibitions of use of the contents exposed throughout the present.

HRA Pharma Iberia, S.L. will take the pertinent measures, to the extent possible, to notify users of such circumstances, suspension, interruption or termination of access to content.

Nullity and Ineffectiveness

In the event that any part of these conditions is considered null or inapplicable, partially or totally, by any Court, Tribunal or competent administrative body, said nullity or non-application will not affect the rest of the conditions contained in the website.

The non-exercise or execution, by HRA Pharma Iberia, S.L. of any right or provision contained in these conditions will not constitute a waiver of the same, unless acknowledgment and written agreement on your part.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

All the clauses inserted in this Legal Notice text are governed by Spanish regulations. Any conflict, controversy or situation arising from these conditions will be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals, or where the owner of this Website has an establishment open to the public, the parties expressly renouncing any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.

Regarding online dispute resolution in accordance with article 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013: the European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform, which is available at the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.